My Vision for a Better Future

Gorkha soldier in traditional uniform and me

My name is Henry Hemant Flaton, a 17-year-old born in Kathmandu, Nepal, and raised in New York City. Shortly after I was born in 2006 I was given to the Children’s Home, where I stayed until I was 16 months old and adopted to the US. My family and I return to Nepal every four or five years to keep a connection. COVID-19 delays caused our planned 2020 trip to be postponed until the winter of 2022.

This recent visit was my third visit to the Children’s Home. Visiting Nepal as a 17-year-old, I now recognize the drastic differences of “living” in opposite parts of the world. My immediate focus is to support the Children’s Home with education and daily necessities. I also hope to continue to strengthen the already established social connectivity between the children in Nepal and students in the US.

My passion for this effort is to pay forward a debt to the Children’s Home which I will never truly be able to return. However, I hope that - with your help - I can give back to those less fortunate, with love and support.

Thank you, Henry!